Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday - Stretch, Yoga, Relax

***Please note that I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER.  Don't blame me if anything happens to you.  It is not and will not be my fault if you get hurt.  I encourage you to run and work out with the proper form, and don't try and "man up" and do more than you can do.  The best workout you can get is with good form, so use lighter weight and make sure you are working properly.  Always, always, always, CONSULT A DOCTOR before you begin any workout program.  Again, it is not and will never be my fault if you get hurt after reading these posts.  I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER, NOR AM I A DOCTOR, NOR ANYTHING OF THE SORT.  I am just a guy who loves kayak fishing and being in shape who is telling you what I do.***

Part of the Series: The Importance of Fishing In Kayak Angling

Flexibility, balance, endurance, strength, etc.  There are so many things that Yoga is good for that relate to kayak fishing.  Stretching will help prevent injury and increase flexibility, just to name a few benefits.

My Fridays are generally super busy with only limited time to workout, so I use these days to relax and get some good stretching and relaxation in.

Sometimes I will go on a short run, if I am really feeling it, but usually Friday's are dedicated to Yoga and stretching.

I don't have a planned routine, I usually just do what I feel like.  I be sure to stretch all my muscles, from my neck down to my calf muscles, and just do some yoga poses that are good for balance, core strength, and relaxation.  Google Yoga for Kayaking and several good poses will come up.  There are a few You Tube videos for this that will help to.

Have fun!  Relax!  Enjoy your Friday!

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