Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday - Chest and Back (Week 2)

***Please note that I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER.  Don't blame me if anything happens to you.  It is not and will not be my fault if you get hurt.  I encourage you to run and work out with the proper form, and don't try and "man up" and do more than you can do.  The best workout you can get is with good form, so use lighter weight and make sure you are working properly.  Always, always, always, CONSULT A DOCTOR before you begin any workout program.  Again, it is not and will never be my fault if you get hurt after reading these posts.  I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER, NOR AM I A DOCTOR, NOR ANYTHING OF THE SORT.  I am just a guy who loves kayak fishing and being in shape who is telling you what I do.***

Part of the Series: The Importance of Fishing In Kayak Angling

The goal in strength training is to improve muscle strength and stamina.  In kayak fishing, you want to improve the power generated in each paddling stoke and your endurance to paddle for greater distances.  You want to paddle further to reach the fish others can't, and you want to beat your competitor to each "honey-hole."

A strong chest, and especially a strong back are absolutely necessary to generate more powerful strokes and improve your ability to maintain those strokes for long distances at a time.  Think about how fast you will be able to paddle as you are doing this workout!

I work in a two week rotation for this set of my strength training in order maximize the variety of exercises I do.  I believe that is is extremely important to work ever little muscle around the main groups, and varying your exercises will help hit all of these.  Here are my workouts:

Chest and Back - Week 2 (Here is Week 1)

I do these two workouts in a two week cycle, starting with week 1.  This is the workout for week 2, 4, 6, etc.

Minutes 1-15 - Warm-Up and Stretch

In order to prevent injury, improve flexibility, and to maximize your workout, it is important to warm your muscles up before any workout or stretch, and it is important to stretch before and after each workout.
  •  Run: 5 to 8 min.
    • I run for 1 mile as a warm up.
  • Walk: Catch your breath.  Keep moving, don't let your muscles cool off, just catch your breath.
  • Arm Circles: Warm up your shoulders.  Stick your arms straight out to your side, level with your shoulders. Try and complete all four sets without a break.  Your shoulders will burn.
    • Small circles forward - 20 with your fingers up.
    • Small circles backward - 20 with your fingers up.
    • Large circles backward - 20 with your fingers down
    • Large circles forward - 20 with your fingers down
  • Stretch: essential to prevent injury and maintain needed flexibility.
    • Start with your neck and work your way down
    • Stretch your arms, shoulders, chest, back, sides, and legs

Workout Round One (For a short 30 minute...ish workout, just complete round one)

This is a chest and back, power and strength training, but it is also an endurance and core workout at the same time. Try to take only short breaks to catch your breath.  KEEP WORKING, DON'T STOP.  You want to work each exercise to its max.  Work until you cant do a rep.  On exercises with added weight, shoot for 8-12 reps.  Also remember to focus on your core.  KEEP YOUR CORE TIGHT and maintain good form and posture during your workout.  Focus on keeping your abs tight--this will allow you to get a great core workout (especially during all the Push-Ups) and prevent you from hurting your back (during all the pulling exercises.)
  • Dumbbell Bench 
    • 8-12 reps
  • Kneeling Bench Dumbbell Rows
    • 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell Bench
    • 8 reps
  • Kneeling Bench Dumbbell Rows
    • 8 reps
  • Short Rest
    • about 30 seconds.  Get some water.
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench
    • 8-12 reps
  • Seated Machine Row
    • 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Bench
    • 8-12 reps
  • Seated Machine Row
    • 8 reps
  • Short Rest
    • 30 seconds to 1 min.  Catch your breath, drink some fluids
  • Dumbbell Chest Flys
    • 8-12 reps
  • Lawn Mowers
    • 8-12
  • Dumbbell Chest Flys
    • 8 reps
  • Lawn Mowers
    • 8 reps
  • Short Rest
    • 30 seconds
  • Machine Bench
    • 8-12 reps
  • Seated Back Flys
    • 8-12 reps
  • Machine Bench
    • Maximum reps
  • Seated Back Flys
    • 8 reps
  • Short Rest
    • 30 seconds to 1 minute.  Be sure to get some fluids.
  • ***Cool Down and Stretch for 5 minutes if this is the end of your workout***

Workout Round 2 (Continue here if you want to get even better)

  • Diamond Push-Ups
    • Maximum Reps
  • Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Substitute Lat Pull-downs if necessary)
    • 8-12 reps
  • Diamond Push-Ups
    • Maximum Reps
  • Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Substitute Lat Pull-downs if necessary)
    • 8 reps
  • Short Rest
    • 30 seconds, drink!!!
  • Back and Forth Push-Ups
    • Maximum Reps
  • Reverse Grip Chin-Ups (Substitute Reverse Grip Lat Pull-downs if necessary)
    • 8-12 reps
  • Back and Forth Push-Ups
    • Maximum Reps
  • Reverse Grip Chin-Ups (Substitute Reverse Grip Lat Pull-downs if necessary)
    • 8 reps
  • Rest
    • 30 seconds to 1 min
  • Push Ups
    • Maximum Reps
  • Short Rest
    • Catch your breath, get some water. You will should be spent by now.
  • Cool Down and Stretch
    • Very important to prevent injury and maintain flexibility.
    • Spend at least 5 minutes stretching.
You will be sore for a day or two after this workout, the first week or two.  Soreness is not bad, but pay attention.  Joint pain is bad, and could mean an injury.  Don't hurt yourself.

Here is Chest and Back - Week 1

Part of the Series: The Importance of Fishing In Kayak Angling

***Now, please note that I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER.  Don't blame me if anything happens to you.  It is not and will not be my fault if you get hurt.  I encourage you to run and work out with the proper form, and don't try and "man up" and do more than you can do.  The best workout you can get is with good form, so use lighter weight and make sure you are working properly.  Always, always, always, CONSULT A DOCTOR before you begin any workout program.  Again, it is not and will never be my fault if you get hurt after reading these posts.  I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER, NOR AM I A DOCTOR, NOR ANYTHING OF THE SORT.  I am just a guy who loves kayak fishing and being in shape who is telling you what I do.***

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