Friday, September 28, 2012

Texas Catch and Release Fishing Records and Awards

Oh my, I am dissapointed in myself for not noticing any of these before.  I don't know how I missed them.  But now I have goals to go gunning for!

It seems that Texas is coming around to the CPR (Catch, Photo, Release) of big fish revolution.  As I have said many times, I have no issue with someone takeing home a few medium sized fish (except in Rivers and Streams) to take home and eat.  But all "big" fish should be released to spawn and produce more quality fish for generations to come.

Anyway, like I said, Texas Parks and Wildlife is coming around on the CPR.  They now are keeping records for fish length!!!  That means you can head out on the water with a camera and measuring board, release your big fish, and still have a shot at holding a state record!  This is what I have been asking for!

Here are the links if you are interested:

State Catch and Release Records

Including Records and Awards for:

  • State Records and Awards
  • Water Body Records
  • Youth
  • Fly Fishing

Recognitions and Awards

Including Awards and Recognition for:


  1. Pat ... shhhh!!! You are supposed to keep this quiet! At least until I can get a couple of these under my belt ... LOL

    This does seem to have passed under the radar. It is amazing how many water bodies do not have C&R records established. I have been looking at this for a while now ... and actually one of my good buddies has gotten two C&R lake records for LMB this year. Good luck and hope to see your name posted with some new record fish!!!

    1. I can't beleive I hadn't heard about it. And haha, I actually thought about keeping this quiet, but...I just couldn't.

      Good luck to you too!

  2. Replies
    1. Awesome. I would have a few, had I know that these existed!
