Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Importance of Fitness in Kayak Angling

So, do you want to be the best kayak angler possible?  Do you need an edge to win a few more tournaments?  Do you want to be able to take longer kayak fishing trips without getting worn out and/or uncomfortable?  Or, do you just want to enjoy the day in your kayak more?  Well in order to perform at the top of your game, endure long tough stretches of water, and remain comfortable in your kayak, you need to be in shape.

Fitness has always been a passion of mine.  I work hard to stay in shape, and my kayak fishing is greatly improved because of the work I put in.  Yes, it is true that in order to catch more fish, you need to spend more time on the water learning the fish.  Everyone can benefit from making a few more cast., but that time is much better spent if you can remain focused the entire time.



***Now, please note that I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER.  Don't blame me if anything happens to you.  It is not and will not be my fault if you get hurt.  I encourage you to run and work out with the proper form, and don't try and "man up" and do more than you can do.  The best workout you can get is with good form, so use lighter weight and make sure you are working properly.  Always, always, always, CONSULT A DOCTOR before you begin any workout program.  Again, it is not and will never be my fault if you get hurt after reading these posts.  I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER, NOR AM I A DOCTOR, NOR ANYTHING OF THE SORT.  I am just a guy who loves kayak fishing and being in shape who is telling you what I do.***


Why do you need to be fit?

How does being in shape help you become a better kayak angler?

  • Paddle to the "hot spots" faster
  • Paddle back to the weigh in faster
  • Improved ability to paddle greater distances
  • Reserve energy to help focus on fishing all day long
  • Ability to better handle emergency situations
  • Maintain better posture when paddling and fishing for hours or even days
  • Improve balance and stability
  • Improved flexibility
  • Prevent Injury

How do I obtain this?

Understanding how each aspect of your overall fitness effects your kayak fishing will help keep you focused on each exercise you are performing.  Setting goals, both short term (for each workout) and long term (weeks, months, etc.) will help push you to get better, and will make each workout more effective.

There are seven main aspects to fitness that I concentrate on to improve my kayak angling.

  1. Aerobic Fitness - This is your cardiovascular endurance.  This is what is required to paddle long distances and reach waters others cannot.
  2. Strength and Power - Total body strength (upper body, lower body, and core) will give you the power to paddle faster than other anglers, to paddle upstream when necessary, and improve your ability to handle whitewater.  It will also help you emergency situations, such as a deep water re-entry into your kayak.
  3. Balance and Stability - This relates to Strength and Power, but is more focused on your core.  Improving balance and stability will improve everything from your ability to stand, to your posture and comfort, to mobility in and out of the kayak.
  4. Flexibility -  This will help to move around in an out of your kayak and can improve your paddling.
  5. Minimizing Injury Risk - Nothing will end your day or trip faster than an injury.
  6. Mental Endurance - Improve your ability to focus for hours at a time will lead to you hooking up with more fish.

What will these articles will do?

Over the next week, I will post my daily workouts, how to modify them if necessary, and how each can also help you improve your kayak angling.  For some days, two workouts will be posted, giving you the option of having a shorter workout if you are stressed for time.  I will minimize the amount of equipment needed for these workouts, so you will not need expensive gym memberships, although some equipment will be necessary, but you can modify if needed.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Here is a rundown of what my typical week of workouts looks like:

  • Saturday - Rest | Fishing if Possible

***Now, please note that I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER.  Don't blame me if anything happens to you.  It is not and will not be my fault if you get hurt.  I encourage you to run and work out with the proper form, and don't try and "man up" and do more than you can do.  The best workout you can get is with good form, so use lighter weight and make sure you are working properly.  Always, always, always, CONSULT A DOCTOR before you begin any workout program.  Again, it is not and will never be my fault if you get hurt after reading these posts.  I AM NOT A PERSONAL TRAINER, NOR AM I A DOCTOR, NOR ANYTHING OF THE SORT.  I am just a guy who loves kayak fishing and being in shape who is telling you what I do.***

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