Thursday, April 4, 2013

Throw the Book At 'em

WSMV Channel 4

Wow...Talk about putting a strain on a resource   Limits are in place for a reason.  Even though the fish may be stocked annually, this hurts the population (not to mention the taxpayer dollars.)

I think I will be posting more links to articles and videos that "point out" poachers.

1 comment:

  1. Personal use my foot. Did you notice the names? Sounds like they were working for a particular type of restaurant. Sounds like they may have come from a country where conservation laws are ignored. Well, I have a feeling they now know that our laws actually mean something!

    Every now and then I'll see someone keep a fish that is probably too small, but it's usually the only one they have in the boat. OK. I can live with that. 10 over the limit is a problem. 400+ fish over is insane. When I saw all those fish on the ground it made me furious. Maximum penalty!
