Saturday, December 15, 2012

Year One in Review: The Evolution of Fish Tattoo

So, for all sense and purpose, Fish Tattoo has been alive and kickin' for one year now. Sure, I actually started in 2011, but there were probably two posts that nobody read. I really focused on this project in 2012, so I am claiming 2012 as the year of establishment.  This year has been great--Fish Tattoo has grown faster than I could have imagined.  I did more writing than I thought I could have, and I enjoyed it tremendously.

Anyway, I decided it would be fun to look back over the last year, hit the highlights, and reminisce a little. So, here ya go.  Fish Tattoo's Year in Review.

Case for a "Big Time" Kayak Fishing Tournament Trail
The first "real" post on Fish Tattoo was my open letter to BASS and FLW in an attempt to grow the sport and get a big tournament trail started.

The Plight of the Guadalupe Bass
This post really started setting the tone of where Fish Tattoo would go in 2012.  Plus the Guadalupe Bass is where the name Fish Tattoo came from.  I have the state fish of Texas tattooed on my leg.

Interview with Drew Gregory
This was the first in a series of interview that I have done with accomplished anglers and promoters of our sport in 2012.  Other interviews in 2012 included Jim Dolan (Heroes on the Water), Tray Collins, Andy Cameron (The Milkcrate), Drew Haerer (Man Powered Fishing), Kristian Kolflat (ACK and Kayak Anglers Tournament Series), and Marcus Rodriguez and Jhonny Quiroz (The Guides of Texas).

Why I Kayak Fish
This series (which I will continue to write) is an attempt to let readers know a little bit more about who I am as an angler.

Rod Selection - How to Choose A Crankbait Rod
This was the fist of the how to Choose a Rod series that continued later with Jig Rods, Spinnerbait Rods, Texas Rig Rods, and Topwater Rods. Wraped up later with the post What Rods to Choose, about how to narrow your rod choices down for kayak fishing.

A Roundtable Discussion of Organized Kayak Fishing
This was not really a post for Fish Tattoo, but it was the beginning of a relationship that I have developed with The Milkcrate.  The Milkcrate is an amazing online magazine that highlights the true personalities in the man-powered fishing world.

Every Day in May
There is no way I am going to add each post on here, but I did post something every day in the month of May.

Home Waters
Home Waters was a favorite post of mine.  It really started to set a tone for some great posts that followed.  Sentimental fishing, fishing for the love of it.

The Importance of Current to the River and the Impact of Dams
An important post regarding the conservation of our rivers.

Jackson Kayak Big Tuna Review
My review of the Big Tuna, as tested on the Devils River.

Bugs and Bass
I think this was the first of the "tactics for catching bass" posts.

Runnoff in our Rivers
Anther post regarding the conservation and protection of our rivers.

The Drop Shot Rig
This was the first post that I approached someone else to help with.  It was written by Ryan McDermid, one of the most dedicated drop-shot kayak anglers.

How to Choose a Crankbait Color Pattern
One of the most popular posts on Fish Tattoo so far.  It was followed up soon after with Shallow Water Crankbait Fishing.

Harvesting Bass in Rivers and Streams
A response the killing of a record sized largemouth bass that was caught in my home river.  A fish that I had probably caught and released before.  This post will be revisited soon, but this was my initial thought on how to better protect our small, flowing water fisheries.

Beautiful, Small Independence
One of my favorite posts to write and to research.  You probably should read this one if you haven't.

Thin Places
After the killing of the record largemouth, I once again became frustrated with some anglers.  I began a series of posts about the spiritual aspect of my fishing, that started with Beautiful, Small Independence, and lead to Thin Places.

River Fishing For Largemouth Bass
This is a continuing series about targeting largemouth bass in rivers.  It is broken down by each time of year.

A Brief History of Famous Fishing Facial Hair
Probably one of the most fun posts I have put together.

The Lone Guad Hunter
Another post to give you insight into what I do when I am our fishing for fun.  This is what fishing should be.

The Importance of Fitness in Kayak Angling
This was a series of why it is important to be healthy in kayak fishing, and how I do it.

Destroying Our Natives
More about how we as humans impact the balance of nature.  Well, destroy the balance of nature is more like it.

And, to wrap up the highlights was a real honor for Fish Tatoo. The Kayak Anglers Choice Awards.
Kayak Anglers Choice Awards
This was truly a highlight of the year.  To find out the Fish Tattoo was nominated for Kayak Fishing Blog of the Year, and finished 5th in the voting (in only it's first year in existence) was really an honor.

I had a blast working on Fish Tattoo this year.  You can expect just as much from Fish Tattoo next year, I promise.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


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