Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions

It is a new year, and as with every new year, I set lofty goals that are better known as New Years Resolutions.  I have personal goals that I will not bore you with, but I publicly making know my resolutions for 2013 that deal with kayak fishing.  Take what you want and use it for yourself!

1) Focus more on P. H. Kellner - Quality Custom Fishing

  • P. H. Kellner was started in 2011 and had a great first year.  Unfortunately, a busy schedule got in the way of focusing on improving the company in 2012.  I did however come up with some great product ideas that I do plan on introducing in 2013, including new rods, kayak accessories, clothing and swag, and some new artwork.  You will see them first here on Fish Tattoo, so pay attention.
  • P. H. Kellner is also working with the Kayak Anglers Tournament Series as a sponsor for the 2013 season.  Once everything is finalized, I will make a formal announcement here on Fish Tattoo.

2) Pay More Attention to Water Conservation
Living here in the Western half of Texas, water conservation is extra important.  I see the effects of growing demands on the water sources every day I hit the lake or the river.  You don't have to drastically change your life to conserve water, every little bit helps.  Here are some good tips that will really help you conserve.
  • Cut your shower time down.  If you reduce the length of your shower by 1/2, you use 1/2 less water.  A four minute shower uses 20 - 40 gallons of water.  Most people I know shower longer than that.  My goal will be to take a two minute shower.
  • Don't run the "extra rinse" cycle on your washing machine, and only run full loads.
  • Don't use your toilet as a trash can.

3) Re-focus on Heath and Fitness in regards to kayak fishing
As most of you know, health and fitness are very important to me, and I know being healthy and staying fit improve my kayak fishing.  There are times when I have slipped up in 2012, so 2013 we be a re-focus on myself.  Here are a few of my goals in regards to this

  • Begin to focus more on eating organic and locally grown produce
  • Try to eat meat that natural and organic.  Meat that I have harvested, (caught, killed, raised) myself is the goal.
  • Be outside more.  I spent too much time indoors in 2012.

4) Keep Fishing Fun
I spent too much time feeling like I "had" to fish, or was forced to fish a specific way.  I was burnt out of tournaments and got tired of fly fishing at different points thought 2012.  I want to keep fishing fun and fresh in 2013.  I will also take my son, Hank, on his very first fishing trip in 2012.  His first kayak paddle as well!

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