Thursday, January 31, 2013

SUMMER BREWS: Best Brews for Kayak Fishing the River

The summer is hot, especially here in Texas, and there is no better time to head down to the river to cool off in the flowing water.  The only two things that might make the river better are, catching a few fish and an ice-cold beer.  But what beer are you going to bring along while you fish?  There are too many selections.

There are many styles of beer that I like in the summer too.  Anything from certain types of wheat beers to lighter colored ales, to kolsches, to pilsners, to saisons, the list can go on and on.  I typically want something light, crisp, and often loaded with hops (especially toward the end of the summer.)  Something that can help keep me cool in the searing Texas sun.  Of coarse you need to be sure to pack some water in the ice chest, and drink at least one water between each beer.  Stay hydrated, people.

Here are Fish Tattoo's top five Summer Brews:

5. Grupo Modelo - Modelo Especial
Modelo Especial is my favorite of the Mexican beers, and there is something about Mexican beer and summertime that just go together.  There is nothing overpowering about the flavor or aroma of this beer, which keeps it refreshing and easy to drink on a hot summer day.  There is a hint of sweet corn, some citrus, and a few hops.  It finishes clean and crisp.  A nice beer for a summer river trip.


4. Big Sky Brewing Co. - Scape Goat Pale Ale
Scape Goat Pale Ale is a great beer for a hot summer day.  It has a refreshing taste, is only slightly sweet, and contains plenty of hops.  It is smooth and easy to drink, making it enjoyable when the sun is beating down on your shoulders.  Scape Goat Pale Ale is really a good beer to cool off with in the summer.


3. Spoetzl Brewery - Shiner Bock
Maybe there is some sentimental appeal here, but there is just something about Shiner Bock that makes it perfect for the summer.  I think I have probably had more canned Shiners on the river than anything else (I am from Texas you know.)  But, it really is a good summer beer.  It is slightly sweet, with a hint of caramel in the flavor, and there are almost no detectable hops (which I don't usually like), but it works for Shiner.  You won't be disappointed if you have a few Shiners in your ice chest.


2. Santa Fe Brewing - Happy Camper IPA
Plenty of hops make Happy Camper IPA a great late summer beer.  From the second you crack the can open, you can smell the citrusy, piney, grassy, floral hops.  However, even through all the hops, the aroma of the malt is still present, and a little stronger than many other IPAs.  It tastes just like it smells, with the malt hitting you first, but soon being replaced by the flavor of the refreshing hops.  Great on a late summer day.


1. Pateros Creek Brewing - Old Town Ale
A Kolsch style brew, Pateros Creek's Old Town Ale is the perfect summer river beer.  It has a fairly low ABV, helping to keep the beer easy to drink.  The clean, slightly toasted malt is present but not too strong, the same as the noticeable, but not overpowering hops.  Old Town Ale is well balanced and easy to drink.  A very refreshing brew to sip while you cast your line.


Continue To: Fall Brews
River Brew: Best Beers to Take While Kayak Fishing the River

Related Articles: River Fishing for Largemouth Bass (Summer)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is a good read, even if I don't know any of the beers mentioned, and I would be interested to know if you would like to share it with a worldwide audience. I am the editor of ThePaddler ezine and looking for interesting features for the summer issue of the ezine. See for a flavour of the magazine and if you are interested then please let me know.

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Cheers Pete
