Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fish Tattoo is on Twitter

So, I bit the bullet and signed Fish Tattoo up for Twitter.  Problem is, I have no clue what to do.  I don't know how it works, I don't know that the # is really for.  Heck I am not really even sure of Fish Tattoo's name on there.

I think you can follow Fish Tattoo at @TheFishTattoo

Some of you who are on Twitter, go check it out and let me know if it is working properly.

You can also always still follow Fish Tattoo on this blog (look at the top of the right side of the page) and on Facebook:


  1. I did the Twitter thing with my blog. It drives some traffic, but not much. Facebook is better for me. I have Twitter set up to send a tweet every time I publish a blog post.

    Think of # as tags for your post. It allows people to search for that subject. (I think) I've never really "gotten" the appeal of Twitter.

    I'm your first follower!

    1. Nice, you will always have that distinction now! How do you set it up to send a tweet when you publish a blog?

    2. I set it up over a year ago... Let me look. BRB

    3. OK. I used feedburner. Here is a link to instructions: (I did not write them)

      You can also set Twitter up to automatically post to Facebook, so the whole thing is automated. Personally I prefer to manually post to Facebook, as I then get to choose the thumbnail and add a little note.
